What Do You See? | Genesis 13:14-17 | Trinity Church Cedar Hill

February 09, 2025 00:53:43
What Do You See? | Genesis 13:14-17 | Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Jakob Barrientos - Pastor & Evangelist
What Do You See? | Genesis 13:14-17 | Trinity Church Cedar Hill

Feb 09 2025 | 00:53:43


Show Notes

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] I'm going to come to you with a teaching. Does that sound good to you? I want you to lean in. I've got a good word. I think it'll change your life if you'll receive it. I want you to stand as we honor the reading of God's word. I want you to open to Romans, chapter 15. [00:00:14] This is our theme verse. We'll read it together, and then we'll go back to the book of Genesis, read a couple passages about Abram, who we know as Abraham. But this is our theme verse for the year. This is what we read every. [00:00:30] Every week we gather what we're believing God to do in our midst. Can we read it together? Will you support me in this? Come on, let's. At the count of three. One, two, three. Go now. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. I love it. Is it getting in your heart yet? I hope so. Read it, memorize it, write it down. Get it tattooed on your skin, whatever you need to do. Genesis, chapter 13 and verse 14. [00:01:04] This is Abram. I'm not endorsing tattoos, just so you know. I see parents turning to their children. No, I'm sorry. Genesis 13:14. And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot separated from him, lift your eyes and look. [00:01:23] Lift your eyes and look. I'm going to give you the title of the message. I've entitled this. What do you see? [00:01:33] You'll notice that the Lord comes to Abram. We'll continue reading. But he's always giving attention. Abram, where are you looking? What are you looking at? Where are your eyes focused? Lift your eyes. Look the place where you are. Northward, southward, eastward, westward. All the land you see. I will give you and your descendants forever. [00:01:57] I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth. So that if a man could number the dust of the earth, your descendants also could be numbered. Arise. Walk the land through its length and its width. I will give it to you a couple chapters later. Genesis 15 and verse 1. [00:02:17] After these things, the Word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision. Now he's showing him something. He's giving him pictures. He's giving him an idea through a vision. He says, don't be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward. [00:02:36] Abram said, but, Lord, what will you give me Seeing. Now look at what he's looking at. Seeing. I am childless. The heir of my house, Eleazar of Damascus. Abram Said, look, this is what he's looking at. Look. You've given me no offspring. No one is born in my house. They're not my heir. Behold, the word of the Lord came saying, this one shall not be your heir, but one will come from your own body shall be your heir. Verse 5. He brought him outside and he said, look, Abraham, you're looking at the wrong thing. [00:03:10] You look into another servant. You're looking to your barren wife. No, look now towards heaven. Count the stars if you're able to number them. And he said to him, so shall your descendants be. And he believed in the Lord, and he accounted it to him. God credited to Abram as righteousness. [00:03:38] And this, ladies and gentlemen, is God's word. And yes, you may be seated. I love that declaration. [00:03:49] This is God's word. We believe it to be true. And it really is a lot of the fuel behind what I'm going to preach today. [00:04:00] Even this last week, we were in our service rally just before service, and Pastor Jim was kind of heckling me a little bit. He's, you know, because I come in, I come into the prayer meeting full of faith. I just, God's gonna do great things today. We're gonna see miracles. It's a great day to, you know, and he's just, you know, Pastor, you're always just full of faith. You're always just full of hope, you know, And I don't know if that was a bad thing, but I don't think he meant it as a bad thing. But I really, it caused me to look inwardly, like, am I like the optimist? Because I used to not be that way. And in some ways I'm still not that way. But, but I really began to do some like, heart search and like check over that. Like, am I overly optimistic? And I, I really began to examine internally, like, where, where has this posture of faith and expectancy come from? I'm just, I'm telling you, you will never come to me to receive prayer for healing. And I pray well. God, just comfort them until you take them home. I won't. If the doctor's giving you a death sentence, I'm gonna pray that God raise you up and eradicate sickness. [00:05:11] And that's just the way I just, I learned to pray. [00:05:15] One of the guys who taught me how to pray, I was sharing this with CFNI. [00:05:20] He was about a 7 foot tall man from Ghana. His name was Guy Pey. And I would pray things like this, this is my Baptist upbringing. And I'd pray things like, God if it's your will, heal God. If it's your will, save God. If it's your will, do this. And I'll never forget G.I. p.E.I. in the middle of the prayer meeting, there's a bunch of people around, I got so embarrassed. He stops the prayer meeting, stop if, if, if Jesus, I can't shout in the way that he did at me that day. But Jesus shed his blood for healing and salvation and deliverance. And he's like, pray again Jesus, it is your will to heal. It is your will. So I'm just telling you I'm not going to pray weak comfort prayers. Well, my prodigals, well you don't understand how bad their addiction. No, they are coming home in Jesus name they will be saved. No, we will see a cancer free zone in Jesus name. You will see your marriage restored in Jesus name. [00:06:25] So we make full declaration. I don't blame it on Gipe, blame it on Abraham. But this is where, this is where my posture of faith comes from. [00:06:35] Now you look at Abraham and he's a fascinating figure. I need to behave. I almost got to shouting there and I about lost it. [00:06:45] My wife is sitting on this anchor. [00:06:50] I had so many people give me like throat stuff. Like I got the red ones, I got white ones, I got blue ones, I got the whole American flag going on up here. I can't even feel my throat right now. So I think I'm, I'll make it through Abraham alright. We call him the father of Faith. He's one that's very important for us to understand, especially if we're going to understand our theme verse. Because you'll notice that from the beginning of the book of Romans, our theme verse is essentially the closing prayer of the Apostle Paul. What is he praying? What is the hope? When we talk about, he prays. Now may the God of hope fill you. What is he, what is this hope? What is he even talking about? Well, when you begin to study the Book of Romans, it's very fascinating. You begin to open the book and it, it starts out very intense. If you've ever read Romans, the first four chapters, you'll essentially see that everybody, everybody is a hellbound sinner. There is no hope, There is no excuse. Doesn't matter if you were raised in church or not, doesn't matter if you're Jewish or not. You're all going to hell. And this is the message of the Apostle Paul in the first three, four chapters of the Book of Romans. Then we meet Abraham and Abraham is introduced to us as a Man who believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness in this idea of salvation by faith in the accomplished work of Jesus is introduced to us. And Abraham is the model of faith that if you would simply believe what God has done, he will forgive your sin and he will cleanse you of unrighteousness, and he will wash you. He will free you from the law. Just begin. Literally, you can look through the chapters and the headings through the book of Romans. He frees you from sin. He frees you from the law. He frees you from condemnation. He fills you with the Holy Spirit. He pours out his gifts on you. I mean, this is good news, friend. Are you with me so far? [00:09:01] You don't need to pray. My wife is praying for my voice. You just need to lock into what I'm saying. Okay? Now, this is like our example in the New Testament of what a life of faith looks like. [00:09:15] Our life. Just like Abraham. If you don't know Abraham's story, man, this guy was a mess, just so you know. [00:09:22] Received a word from the Lord. [00:09:24] His attempt to fulfill the word of the Lord in the flesh resulted in him having a child out of wedlock. He ends up getting in trouble on multiple occasions for lies and deception. I mean, his life was messy. He came from a bad home situation. I mean, he's the child of pagan idol worshipers. I mean, there's nothing good in his lineage up to this point. [00:09:51] But Abraham was a man who sought God and saw God's promises and is a model for us today. I don't know if you ever grew up in children's church singing, Father Abraham. I grew up singing in that song. Why do we declare that he's a model of faith for you and me? [00:10:10] He's our example of what life, what a life of faith looks like. You have mess, I have mess. Just like Abraham. We all have our junk. But the same God who made covenant with Abraham will make covenant with you. If you have faith in God, in the same blessing that God gave Abraham, God will also give you. [00:10:37] Now, I've mentioned these, but some of the topics that we cover in Romans were fallen. Yet we are redeemed by faith. Just like Abraham, we are free from sin, we are free from the law. And then In Romans, chapter eight, this is actually the apex. This is, you know, 16 chapters. And if you understand Greek thought, the way these would actually work through and present, you know, a discourse, a theology, they would actually build a case as a lawyer builds a case. So in Romans, he's like here's your present condition, but here's what God's doing. And I've named those things. And it all comes to this great point in chapter eight. I actually think it's the most significant chapter in all of the Bible. And I say that because when scholars actually began to assemble the New Testament, pull all of these books together, they put them together in the order of importance. So you'll see the Gospels, it's the ministry and the accomplished work of Jesus. And then we come into the Book of Acts. This is the ongoing ministry of God through the Holy Spirit and through the church. Very important. And then the first piece of theology. How does all of this work? What do you believe in order to access this? Romans. And all of this is building up to Romans 8, the most significant chapter in the New Testament. And do you know what the topic of Romans chapter 8 is? Here's the big idea, that you and I are children of God, that Jesus is the Son of God and what he did, he did to be the firstborn. Romans 8:29. Amongst many brothers and sisters, that's you and that's me. And that's all who have come to faith in Jesus. The Son of God became a man so that men could become sons of God. [00:12:41] This is big, this. Romans 8:19 is literally what the earth is crying out for. When you see natural disasters, when you see riots in the streets, when you hear the cry of a generation, do you know what their cry is? Whether they know it or not. Where are the sons of God? Where are the daughters of God? Where are the children of God? This is a concept that you and I must begin to grasp. You are heirs of God. Romans 8, verses 16 and 17, and you are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. This, my friends, is the Gospel. This is the gospel. [00:13:28] Now you say, well, wait a second, I thought the gospel was believe in Jesus, have your sins forgiven, then we get to die and go to heaven, right? No, that is not the gospel. See, I did this study a while ago and I. It was a very short study. I wanted to study the Gospel of salvation. [00:13:47] The reason it was a short study is because you will never find the gospel of salvation in the Bible. It's not in the Bible what you will find about 150 times all throughout the New Testament. Most of that from the teaching of Jesus is the Gospel of the kingdom. And this is very different because in the Gospel of the kingdom, you getting saved and your sins forgiven. Only the beginning. That's only the starting point. You wonder why statistically most Christians plateau In their Christian growth. Within two years, they come into the kingdom. They begin to have an understanding. They go through Sunday school, they become a member. They learn how to tithe. Now I feel pretty good about my salvation. I know what it takes to be saved. And they stay there for the rest of their lives. [00:14:38] But there are others that hear what the world is crying out for. What the Spirit of God is crying out for this groan that is being lifted up. I need you to be more than just a sinner saved by grace. I need you to become a child of the most High God. Understanding you are an heir with an inheritance in Christ Jesus. [00:15:06] Alright, back to Batman. Okay. [00:15:10] Glory is not something that happens when you die. [00:15:15] Glory is what God is releasing in the earth through sons and daughters. [00:15:21] Well, he died and went to glory. Not in the Bible. [00:15:26] Not in the Bible. I hope you go on to glory, but I'm telling you, glory is to be made manifest on this side of life. I love what I don't know. Tommy or Miriam, one of the two. I was in receiving mode when they were praying, but somebody prayed. You know, you don't have to wait to die to receive your healing. [00:15:44] You have inheritance right now. [00:15:48] My voice is going to be back by Wednesday. I'm going to be praying strong. Hallelujah. [00:15:53] That's the gospel. [00:15:55] So Romans is building a case. You're a child of God. You're an heir with an inheritance. [00:16:03] This is sonship. And Abraham is a prime example of this. Galatians chapter 3 and verse 16. Now this is cool. [00:16:11] Are you okay with me teaching you some stuff here today? Is this good? [00:16:18] God gave the promise. This is Galatians 3:16. [00:16:22] God gave promises to Abraham and his child. [00:16:26] Pause. Who's his child? [00:16:29] Okay. And notice the scripture doesn't say to his children. You know, after Sarah dies, Isaac remarries and he has quite a few more children. You can read about it in the Bible. Does it say he gave a promise to his children? Bring that verse back up. Notice the scripture doesn't say to his children as it meant many descendants. Rather it says his child. And that of course means Christ. [00:16:56] You know who the child of Abraham was. You know who the Lord was prophesying to Abraham, you will have a child. Wasn't talking about Isaac. That's what I always thought. But he wasn't talking about Isaac. He was talking about Jesus. He was talking about the Christ. This is going to be the fulfillment of what I am going to do. You want to talk about sons and daughters, the family that outnumbers the Stars. How is that going to be? It's not going to be through your bloodline. Going to be through my bloodline. The Son of God will shed his blood for many brethren. That's us. Oh, my goodness. You know what that means for you? Watch this. Verse 20. This is going to blow your mind. I hope you get this. [00:17:39] All who have been united with Christ in baptism. This is Rome. I'm sorry. Galatians 3. 27. Who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ like putting on new clothes. Love it. [00:17:53] You're no longer Jew or gentile. You're no longer slave or free. Male, female. You are one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. [00:18:08] You are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs. And God's promise to Abraham belongs to you. [00:18:21] Oh, my goodness. [00:18:23] Oh, my goodness. I don't know if you grab the weight of this, but like I remember watching this guy, I grew up in a small town. There was a guy named Granville who'd walk around town homeless, wore a dress, pushed around a cartoon out of his mind. Everybody knew he was a drug addict. Everybody knew he slept behind the Pizza Hut right over there. Everybody knew Granville. Did you have a Granville in your town growing up? Most small towns especially do. We all knew him. [00:18:58] I'll never forget. I was towards the end of my high school and Granville died and the newspaper began to run articles about him and we began to learn about his family. Come to find out his parents were entrepreneurs. They began to name the businesses in town that had been started by his family, that when they had died, they left Granville. A beautiful home is right around the corner from where I grew up. Beautiful home, worth millions of dollars. And they left him a lot of money in the bank. This man who was living homeless on the streets, out of his mind, was worth somewhere between 8 and $10 million because of an inheritance. [00:19:39] An inheritance that he never tapped into. An inheritance he never received. [00:19:45] I wonder how many Christians live that way. [00:19:49] You're a co heir with Christ. [00:19:52] You have access to the very same things that Jesus did. He never lacked. He never went hungry, never lacked power, never lacked authority, relationship, never lacked resource, lacked nothing. [00:20:03] Abraham took over the world. [00:20:06] His descendants saved the world on multiple occasions. The largest empires, Egypt, Babylon. I mean, you watch the redeeming work through his family line. Look at what they did. Why? Because they were heirs with an inheritance. And I'm here to tell you, on the authority of scripture, you also are an heir with an inheritance. If you have Put on Christ you are, you have access to the very same promises that were given to Abraham. [00:20:39] That's a big deal. You say, well what are the promises of Abraham by the way, Our theme verse when Paul prays, I pray that the God of hope would, would give you through believing joy. What is the hope that he's even talking about? Well right before that, just a couple verses earlier, he says Jesus is the confirmation. This is Romans 15:8 of what God spoke to Abraham and the fathers of our faith. There were promises that were given to our fathers and the fact that Jesus came and accomplished what he did is a confirmation to you and I that we have access to the same inheritance that Jesus did. The same promises that were given to Abraham. Oh my goodness. [00:21:33] What do you see? [00:21:37] This is the question. Have you ever seen that you have access? [00:21:44] Have you ever seen that you have an inheritance? Have you ever looked upon the promises that God has actually given to you and said yeah, I believe that that's actually for me. [00:21:55] What do you see? I've got a couple questions for you today. That's the first one in the name of this message. What do you see? [00:22:04] The Lord came to Abraham. Do you see the land? Do you see the inheritance? Do you see the promises kept on reorienting his eyes? Don't look at that. Don't look at the sin of Sodom. Don't look at your barren wife. Don't look at what you don't have. Don't look at that. That's going to be your legacy. No, look to the, look to the sand. Look to the land. This is all that I am giving you. What do you see? [00:22:35] Don't concern yourself with the battles that you're going to have to fight. I am your shield and I am your great reward. Genesis 15:1. Why are you looking at the stumbling blocks and the roadblocks and the battles that you're going to have to look at me. What do you see? What you see by faith you will see with your eyes. [00:22:58] She's become like a slogan for my life. It was prayed over me when I was bestowed as a pastor. What you see with your faith, you will see with your eyes. I've been exhorting our Wednesday prayer times like listen, we've got people, they don't have the capacity to believe for a cancer free zone or a blue zone or for their marriage to be restored but would be to God that the intercessors first and foremost would be the one. If you don't have faith, I've got faith for You I will see by faith. And I will see with my eyes what I first see by faith. I'll believe for you. I'll believe for your marriage. I'll believe for your drug addicted son. I'll believe that God could plant a church that could thrive. All believe what nobody else will believe. I'll believe that the best days for our nation are still yet ahead of us, not behind us. [00:23:51] Come on. [00:23:54] What you see by faith, you will see with your eyes. [00:23:59] So what do you see? [00:24:02] According to scripture, we read the verse earlier. You can receive the righteousness of God through faith. [00:24:09] Only a sinner. [00:24:12] I'm always going to be an addict. [00:24:14] Yes, you will, if that's what you see. But if you see the accomplished work of. The accomplished work of Jesus applied to your life, I see you saved. I see you free. I see you whole. I see you restored. What do you see? This was the question that God kept on hitting Abraham with. What do you see? [00:24:36] You see our nation free falling into hell, decline, recession. I loved, I went. My wife and I were going around doing business. Blessings. Went and saw Tawny Hanes and Arbrook and got to pray with them. And I loved, man. I mean, you're talking the last four, five years. I mean, Covid, it jacked everything up. [00:25:00] But I was listening to her as she was walking us from room to room. I mean, I just saw her storefront and I thought that's all there was. But then it's like, know there's a whole fabric thing back here and then there's a whole salon back here. And I mean, the thing just kept on going. It was like a city. [00:25:15] And she began to share. She's like, you know what we were declaring this is a recession free zone, that we're. That we're kingdom people and so we're not influenced by what's going on in the economy of the world. And I'm like. I'm like, you need to pray for me. Like, this is powerful. It was incredible here. But that's the mental. That's what, that's how sons and daughters talk, friend. That's how sons and daughters talk. Like, I don't care. The orange man in the White House. I'm not, I'm not waiting to see what he's gonna do to decide whether I'm gonna be blessed or not. [00:25:46] I better move on. [00:25:49] I'm just telling you, I'm not hanging my hat on that. I'm praying for him. But at the end of the day, I'm gonna have revival no matter who's in the White House. [00:26:01] I'm gonna prosper no matter who's in the White House. I'm going to prosper no matter what's going on in our nation. I'm just. As long as I'm here. [00:26:12] What do you see? Do you see it? Can you see it? [00:26:19] Lift up your eyes. Can you see? One new man. We read this earlier. No longer Jew, gentile, slave, Greek, male, female. We're of one mind, one mouth, one heart that glorifies the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Listen, race, money, religion, gender, politics. Even if you're cheering for the chiefs. Oh my goodness. Nothing that we could divide over will separate us if. [00:26:50] If we can set our eyes on the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. [00:26:57] I know I offended some of you by calling him the orange man. Listen, you'll get over it. You'll be fine. [00:27:10] But I'm just telling you, you're never going to find agreement with everybody in the church. [00:27:17] I grew up in orchestra and in band and one of the first things that in fact the first thing they teach you, I don't tune my trumpet to the guy who's sitting next to me. [00:27:29] We'll all be out of tune if I'm trying to find agreement with my neighbor. [00:27:35] I listen to the conductor who strikes one note and everybody tunes to that note, right? [00:27:44] So this is it. How are we gonna be family? How can we be brothers and sisters when you voted for him, when, God forbid, you voted for her? How are we going to be family when you've got this skin color or that skin color, huh? How are we going to do this? How are we going to be family? Because I'm not trying to find perfect union or agreement with you or your background. You've got a story and a perspective to tell and I want to hear it. I want to hear it. But at the end of the day, looking to one, and we're looking to one, and with one voice and with one heart and with one mind. We're looking to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And if we can rally around that you're my brother, you're my sister. [00:28:35] I will die for you. You'll die for me. [00:28:41] Alright, that was bonus. First service. Didn't get that, but you got it. [00:28:47] Do you see it? This is our hope. [00:28:50] This is our hope. You will have what you believe for. So stop believing for what you don't want. [00:28:59] You will have what you believe for, so stop believing for what you don't want. If you see the church Divided, full of hypocrites. That's what you're going to have. That's all you'll be able to see. But if you see the church brimming with revival, one heart, Homo thumadon. We burn with the same fire. We're going after the same stuff. That's what we'll have. You see your marriage always being broken. There is no hope. There's no restoration. She's always going to be this way. He's always going to be there. That's what you're going to have. That's all you see. That's what you will have. [00:29:33] No, I see it whole. I see us restored. I see us more in love in year 20 than we were in year one on our honeymoon. If that's what you see, that's what you'll have. You see your prodigal coming home. Do you see your business thriving and prospering? Do you see yourself sick, depressed, anxious? That's what you'll have if that's what you believe. For if that's what you're speaking, that's what you will have. [00:30:01] If you say no, I'm healed and I'm whole and I'm of sound mind, and I'm gonna live a long life and I'm gonna die a peaceful death. If that's your declaration, that's what you will have financially. You can apply this in every area of your life. [00:30:18] Now, this is why I write declarations all over the place. You come into my office, I've got all my goals written up on the wall. In fact, I told my wife, I said, I want our media guys to design all my goals, and I want them to, like, do a big poster. Like, can you imagine? She's like, no, that's ugly. So I've got it small written on the wall, but I've got these declarations everywhere. I mean, literally on my body, I've got declarations, things like. I mean, you open up my phone, I got, like, giving declarations. Seeing I'm believing God to do. I mean, I'll open that thing up, I see a Mercedes logo, because that's what I'm believing God's going to give me, right? And so I, you know, I just. I do this. I set it before my. What do I see? [00:30:58] What do I see? I'm intentional. To bring before my eyes the promises of God. This is why, even when we moved to Texas, we got the invitation to move back here. [00:31:10] And I told God, listen, God, if we move back to Dallas, I want a house and it's got to be on some land and I got to see some trees. [00:31:22] You say that sounds arrogant. No, I know the promises of God. [00:31:29] I know the promises of God. You say, in fact, let me just give you a few of these. You know what the promises of Abraham are? I gave you the theology for what you can believe, for this is part of your inheritance. And there were about 48 different things that God told Abraham. I'll do this, and I'll do this, and I'll do this and I'll do this. You can take any one of those. That's your inheritance. On the authority of Scripture, through the blood of Jesus. Are you trekking with me? If you get this, it'll change your life. This is what he said. I'll show you the land. That's vision. God can give you vision for where he wants to take you and what he wants to do through your life. [00:32:08] Secondly, he said, I'll make you a great nation. That's multiplication. That's godly. Legacy. [00:32:14] You will have a legacy. You will have a legacy. You're going to leave a mark in this life. I hate that song on Christian Ray. I don't want to leave a legacy. I haven't even heard it. I think they cut it out. If you wrote that song, I'm sorry. But I want to leave a legacy. And that's not pride. That's not arrogant. I'm going to leave a mark in this life. There are going to be people in heaven because of what I have done with my life. That's your testimony, too. You're gonna leave a legacy, and it's gonna be a good legacy. [00:32:46] Praise. I'm feeling good. [00:32:49] I will bless you. The lord said Genesis 12:2. That's prosperity. Everybody say prosperity. [00:32:57] I will make your name great. That's promotion. [00:33:02] It's not. I remember hearing one of my instructors in Bible school say, you know, if I worked at McDonald's, I'd end up owning that McDonald's. And I thought, man, you are so arrogant. It rubbed me so wrong when he said that. I get it now. [00:33:16] I get it now. I have watched people begin to lay hold of the promises of God in its promotion after promotion after promotion. I've never worked anywhere in the last 20 years without going to the top. [00:33:28] It's the promises of God. And it's the same for your life. You ought to be the manager. You ought to be the owner. You ought to be the leader of your classroom. You ought to be leading that ministry. That's part of the promises of God, it's promotion. [00:33:44] These are promises. Some of you don't. You don't have to receive them all if you don't want. You can stay at the bottom. That's fine. [00:33:50] You will be a blessing. Genesis 12:2. That's generosity. So you're receiving prosperity. Why? Part of it is so you can be generous. You will be a blessing. Then it's a multiplied blessing. Number six. I will bless them that bless you. Genesis 12:3. That means people that are good to you, God's going to be good to them. [00:34:14] Even unbelievers. You watch, you can get elevated in your workplace and people are going to start supporting you and blessing you. And heathens, unbelievers are going to come within the realm of your business. And just because they gave you business, God's going to be kind to them. That's multiplied blessing. Then he said, I will curse those who curse you. Praise God. [00:34:39] You don't have to fight battles yourself. [00:34:42] He knows. He's talking bad about you. He knows who's hating on you. He knows who's hating on you. And he will defend you. [00:34:51] He will take care of you. He's got your back, whether or not people do. He's got your back. He's a good back getter. [00:34:58] In you don't make that a quote. Slide this week, please. [00:35:04] In you. Verse 8, all nations will be blessed. Now, there's a whole sermon in that. That's Genesis 12. I have verses for all of these. These are all words, promises God gave Abraham. Genesis 22:18. But Galatians 3 expands this. And he talks about how the promise of Abraham for blessing to be on all people was fulfilled through Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. You know what? You know what it is to be have blessings in all nations being blessed? That's revival. [00:35:39] That's the outpouring of the Spirit on all flesh. That's truly the blessing of Abraham. It's the spirit of God being poured out upon all people. So on the authority of scripture, not because it's a cool word, because it's a hashtag that's going viral. No, on the authority of scripture, I believe for revival. I believe for revival. I believe for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I will give you. I will give this land to your seed forever. That's land. [00:36:08] That's property. [00:36:10] Well, what verse is that, Pastor? Genesis 12, 7, Genesis 13, 14. Genesis 15, 18, Genesis 17:8. Just to Abraham, he told him over and over and over, I've got an assignment on your life and I'm gonna give you a place to stay. [00:36:27] This is why I said, God, if we're to come back to Trinity, we're gonna move to Texas. You're gonna give me a house. You told Joshua, and he laid hold of it. You gave me a house that I didn't build. I'm living in a house I didn't build, friend. [00:36:41] I'm living in a house that I cannot afford. The church takes care of us. But I'm telling you what. What we paid for that house, I could not afford. [00:36:50] We were about $60,000 short to make the down payment on that house. And God, supernaturally, I didn't even qualify for the Hennessy Foundation. They wanted to, but I didn't qualify because we'd already owned a home before. And so I had to come up with that money. And God flowed those resources into our life. Every time I pull up to that house, I'm like, God, you gave me a house I couldn't build. You gave me a house I couldn't afford. There's bigger and better than anything I could have asked for, and it's on land, and I've got trees right out my back window. [00:37:24] I'll just sit there and look at those trees. And I'm thankful, man. There's a promise of God. You can lay hold of that. You can lay hold of that. He said, I will make your seed as the dust in number that's multiplication of family. You don't have a big family. [00:37:42] You can have a big family. That's godly legacy. I am your shield. That's protection. I am your great reward. That's presence. I'm going with you. I'll be with you. You're not going alone. I'm coming, too. That's God's declaration over you. These are good promises, man. Your prayer time should never be dry. [00:38:04] You should never come into the house of God. And, oh, the heavens are brass, man. Lay hold of promise number 12. [00:38:11] No, Lord, you are my shield and you are my reward. You're with me. You said you'd be with me. You said you'd fill me and you'd surround me. So I ask you, Lord, be true to your word. [00:38:25] I've never had a dry prayer time in. I mean, in 20 years, really. I don't know what it is to have the heavens or brass. I can't hear God. Stop it. [00:38:39] Are you guys. Are you doing okay? [00:38:42] Am I being too aggressive? Leah. Okay. All right. [00:38:46] She's the only one who'll tell me honestly. And my kids. Dad, that was Lame. [00:38:53] Your seed shall be strangers. Oh, that means he's got a plan. He actually tells them what's going to happen, and he gives them a plan. I skipped one. Your own son shall be your heir. This is important. Your blood family. [00:39:08] Your blood family. Your sons and daughters are coming, too. [00:39:13] If you'll receive it. Your sons and daughters are coming. It's not just spiritual sons. Some people have said, well, I lost my kids. So God will do it through spiritual sons. Believe. For that, he's going to multiply your descendants, and he'll do it through your seed. Your Abraham was in the exact position that some of you. Well, I guess I can't. So I'm just going to find an alternative. That's what Abraham did. God said, no. Through your seed, through your descent, your prodigal will come home. [00:39:45] They will be free. That barren womb will open. You will conceive a child by faith in Jesus name. [00:39:53] Jesus name. [00:39:55] Oh, my. [00:39:58] There's so much eternal covenant. That's heaven. You see that in Genesis 17? That was a promise. [00:40:04] You live a long, healthy Life. That's Genesis 15. And you will have a peaceful death. Praise God. [00:40:13] I like that one. [00:40:15] I'm not anywhere close to it because I'm gonna live a long life, and I'm gonna die a peaceful death. I'm not going to be taken out by a disease or a car wreck or some weird thing, you know, assassin, you know, none of that. [00:40:28] I'm going to live a long life one day. All right, Leah, I'm tired. Actually, I've already made an agreement. She's going to go first. [00:40:40] She'll go and, like, the next day, I'll be all right. I'm just gonna go to sleep and that'll be it. That'll be it, man. I got some stories I could tell you. I've heard of people that do this. You know, there's a lady who's like 103 years old, and she's just tired. She told her pastor, she's like, every time this is a true story. She's like, every time I get sick, God heals me. [00:41:05] And she was complaining about it. [00:41:08] I'm ready to go. I'm old. [00:41:13] He says, you know, God will satisfy you. He says, you'll die a peaceful death. So this is true. [00:41:19] I'm personal friends with this pastor. He said that she invited everybody over to the house to have a party. She said, today, I'm going to be with Jesus. And they share a meal together. She's perfectly healthy. She's in her hundreds Perfectly healthy. And then she's like, but I'm going to go around 11 o'clock today. [00:41:39] She sat down in her recliner, said goodbye to Everybody, and at 11 o'clock on the dot, she went to be with Jesus. [00:41:49] You believe that or not? [00:41:52] Somebody who believed the promise of Abraham, you can receive this stuff. You have to die by some disease or some freak accident. You don't have to do that out of your mind in a nursing home. No, I'm going to be. [00:42:05] I'm going to be like Ms. Hennessy, who's still mowing her lawn. And how old is she? [00:42:11] 87. That's going to be me, man. I'm mowing her lawn, fixing stuff around the house, building chicken coops, like, praise God. [00:42:23] All right. I'm having way too much fun here today. [00:42:27] I live to a good old age. You're going to have material blessings. Genesis 15:14. [00:42:33] Just in case you wanted to write off all this prosperity stuff. As if it was just. Well, that's just spiritual blessings. It's just emotional. But no, he made it very material blessings. I will bless you and your descendants. Praise God. What do you see? [00:42:51] Oh, man. All right, worship team, come or I'm going to keep on going forever. [00:42:59] There's 48 promises I gave you. What, 15, 16. [00:43:05] There's 48 that you can lay hold of in the Bible. [00:43:10] The promises of Abraham. What do you see now where our theme verse becomes very important. I actually like how the new living translation breaks it down. [00:43:20] It says, the apostle Paul prays. [00:43:26] The apostle Paul prays. [00:43:31] He prays. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. It's a prayer. Just like everything that I've been sharing is included in this. [00:43:46] This ought to fill you with some hope. Like, wow, God's got promises for me. [00:43:52] Talk about anxiety flying out the window. [00:43:56] I got the joyful expectation that good things are coming my way, good things are coming my way. [00:44:03] Blessings are on the way. Same blessing those upon Jesus. Same blessing those upon Father Abraham. That's on me. That's my inheritance. I'm going to be a partaker of it. [00:44:15] What do you believe in God for? You'll have it, good or bad, what do you see? But in prayer, we move into a new realm. What do you say? [00:44:26] What's your declaration? [00:44:30] What do you speak in the place of prayer? [00:44:33] I mean, the fact that I stand in front of you. I told in my preaching over and over again, God's Gonna give me a house. God's going to give me a house. God's going to give some of these who've been with me for years listen to my sermons. You've heard me say that for years. I'm standing here in 20, 25. I live in a house that I didn't build that God gave me. [00:44:55] About four years of making the right declaration. In fact. You want to know something interesting about Abraham? [00:45:01] God gave him the promise was 30 years before his son was born. But at year 29, something happened. The Lord came to Abram, changed his name to Abraham, changed his name from father to the father of a multitude of nations, literally, Abraham's name. As often as he spoke or as often as he heard his name, he was declaring the promise of God. [00:45:27] He changed his declaration 29 years unfulfilled. [00:45:32] One year after changing his declaration, he received the promised child. [00:45:38] What are you speaking? What do you see? [00:45:42] What do you say? [00:45:44] Another thing that you need to know about Abraham is he was a man of action. This is the third question for you. What do you show? [00:45:52] What do you show? [00:45:55] Put your money where your mouth is. Take a step of faith. [00:45:59] Do something with what God has asked you to. I knew that God was going to give us a home. I still had to call the financer. I still had to go look at the houses. Still had to walk through, slap that thing with oil. Pray. We did it with the realtors. Everybody, we're going to pray right now. I don't know if they were saved or not, but they prayed with us. [00:46:18] We did that. You take steps of faith. You do stuff sometimes. God will redirect you. Don't get upset. It's fine. [00:46:26] What do you show when the Lord came to Abraham the first time? I need you to get away from your family. [00:46:33] Pagan idol worshipers get out of the country. [00:46:36] The Bible says he left the next day. [00:46:39] The next day we came to him and says, listen, we're gonna make a covenant now. And I'm gonna ask you. Let me teach you about circumcision. [00:46:52] And the Bible says the next day he was circumcised. And all of all of his camp was circumcised. That's a big deal. [00:47:05] Isaac is born. I want your son. [00:47:09] I want you to give him to me. Sacrifice. [00:47:14] The Bible says early the next morning, he took his son. [00:47:21] He was showing his faith quickly. [00:47:25] Now I know that what I presented to you, some of you already. [00:47:31] I want to see the vision that God has for me. [00:47:34] I'm going to step into my Inheritance. If this is true, Pastor Jacob, I'm going to believe for that home. I'm going to believe for my marriage, believe for racial reconciliation, believe for revival for our nation. I believe whatever it is. [00:47:46] You're grabbing hold of a promise. You say I'm a, I'm a believe for one new man. I'm going to believe for that. [00:47:55] It's going to require work. [00:47:57] It's not going to be easy. [00:48:00] There will be victories and failures. There will be challenges. It will be difficult at times. [00:48:10] It's gonna be hard. [00:48:16] Remember one of my instructors telling me in Bible school, following Jesus, it's not easy, but it's better. [00:48:25] It stuck with me. [00:48:27] It's not easy, man. It sure is better. [00:48:32] 2020, my wife and I moved to Kona, bought a building. God gave us a vision, literally showed my wife in a dream, the building we were to have showed me in a dream who we were to talk to to open the door, the owner, the financing, all of it, literally. God gave us a vision for what we were to do. [00:48:55] We buy that building, it was a miracle. God supplied $6 million that we didn't have. But he had it. He had resource, inheritance. [00:49:06] And we worked our brains out. [00:49:08] We bought a shopping center, had a barber shop, sushi shop, Chinese restaurant. All this stuff paid all the bills. It was awesome. [00:49:18] God had the plan, the strategy for how we'd support our new church. [00:49:25] And then we began the hard work of renovating that building, began going through all of the spaces. [00:49:33] We didn't have money. It was all tied up in the purchase of that building. And so I, when carpet needed to come up, it was me, my kids and my wife DJing Jazz. It was these guys who were in there ripping up carpet, tearing down walls. [00:49:53] I rented a grinder so I could grind those floors to prepare for the new carpet. We were going to put in our kids space. This is early on in 2020. We just got the building, renovating a kid's area and I'm grinding the floors. I will, I share this stuff. Like if you want to plant a church, come talk to me. I will discourage you. [00:50:12] I will. [00:50:13] It's hard work grinding those floors, kicking up dust. [00:50:18] We've got businesses that are still running and so my wife, she's out in the hallways and she's mopping the dust up off the floors. And I mean late nights, you're talking nine, ten o'clock at night. We're still there, we're still working because, man, we want to get this ready by Sunday. [00:50:34] I'll never Forget. [00:50:35] We had a day where our Chinese restaurant owner came to us complaining because their plumbing was getting backed up. Nothing was draining. [00:50:46] They come because my wife manage that facility. You need to do something about us. We got a plumber out there. He's going through. Man, your plumbing's all messed up. [00:50:56] We need to tear up this entire restaurant floor. We need to tear up the entire hallway that's running down the middle of your building. This plumbing line, it runs all the way through that kid space that we'd already been working in. We need to tear all of it up. We need to replace it all. $60,000 bill. [00:51:14] I was discouraged. [00:51:16] You want to know where I learned to be an optimist? Is moments like this. [00:51:22] I called my boss, Dr. Morocco, man of faith. [00:51:28] He said, Doctor, a $60,000 bill, and I don't got money to pay for it. [00:51:34] Like going to dad. Can I. Can I have some help? [00:51:39] We worked through how we were going to raise those funds and how we were going to pay that bill. [00:51:44] And I'll never forget what he told me at the end. I was discouraged. I was frustrated. I was tired. My wife, my kids. I'm telling you, I left my hands bleeding at times because we were working so hard, ripping up carpet, painting walls, whatever we were doing that day. It's exhausting work. [00:52:02] And I never forget Dr. Morocco telling me, pastor Jacob, enjoy the process. [00:52:18] Enjoy the process. [00:52:24] You know, the apostle Paul prayed this hard. Work, Hope, abundant hope. [00:52:31] And I pray that God will do this. Faith, believing, joy, hope, abundant hope. By the power of the Holy Spirit. Did you know, when the Holy Spirit comes, he gives you the power to do what you need to do. [00:52:55] Holy Spirit is a spirit of joy. [00:52:59] Holy Spirit is a spirit of peace. [00:53:02] And so I've learned, when I'm in the most difficult and challenging situations of my life, you'll hear me say this kind of stuff. Pastor Jacob, you're sick, but you preached. [00:53:13] What a joy. [00:53:15] It's my joy. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I don't got money to pay this bill. [00:53:23] What a joy. [00:53:25] What a joy. [00:53:26] I'm burnt out. [00:53:29] I'm sick. I don't know what I'm gonna do. My marriage is a wreck. [00:53:34] What a joy. [00:53:36] That's what the Holy Spirit will do. I want you to stand. [00:53:40] We're gonna close.

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